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This post was posted on:
15 August, 2021

Have you ever walked into a room or gone upstairs and wondered what you’d gone there for?

Feeling a little stressed, overloaded or a little hormone upheaval can lead to feeling a little spaced out at one time or another…

Try this little exercise – a hyperlink back to harmony!

  • Place the middle finger of one hand on your forehead between your eyebrows – fingertip pointing down.
  • Please the middle finder of your other hand in your navel.
  • Slightly pull upward on the skin of both points.
  • Close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax.
  • Stay like this for about 20 seconds, breathing normally.

BENEFITS – By doing this little technique it hooks up the two channels of energy which run up the back and front of the body. It brings clarity of thought, so you remember why you walked into that room!

Nina Torina - Lifestyle Medicine

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